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the challenges.

Here’s a little news from Jamie, Area Director for Alaska:

“The week of holiday challenges has begun!  This week all JVC Northwest staff members have committed to both action and reflection about the holiday season.  By making intentional choices about the use of our time, money, and energy, we hope to come to a deeper understanding of how we can best celebrate Christmas and the “Season of Giving.”  We have also invited the JV communities to participate in our challenges or to create their own challenge opportunities.  Keep checking the blog for updates about each staff member’s challenges and progress this week!

I have committed to a few challenges this week in an effort to explore the idea of giving to others and myself.  To express my gratitude for their incredible work in the Portland community, I will be making a donation each day to a local non-profit.  I will also be giving time to myself each morning to read and reflect on biblical stories about Christmas.  In addition, I am going to give myself a bit of inspiration by watching the film What Would Jesus Buy?

It will be an exciting week here at the JVC Northwest office as we engage in challenges that honor this sacred season.  Good luck to all staff this week!”

Keep reading the blog this week as we update you on all of the challenges!

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