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Our Board

Joan Cole Duffell*

Board Chair

Joan Cole Duffell served as a Jesuit Volunteer in Great Falls, Montana in the early 1970s.  Soon after they married, she and her husband, Denny (also a former JV) lived and served in the Seattle Catholic Worker Community, providing daily meals and hospitality for women and children experiencing homelessness. Duffell is now retired from her long-held position as CEO of Committee for Children, a 40-year-old, globally focused nonprofit organization dedicated to the safety and well-being of children through social-emotional learning (SEL) and development. Ms. Duffell has been an educator, writer, entrepreneurial nonprofit leader and leading advocate for promoting children’s social and emotional skills, as well as equity in education and the prevention of child abuse, bullying, and other forms of violence. 

Doug Kramer*

Vice Chair

Doug was raised in Kansas by parents who both worked in Catholic education. After attending Jesuit schools for both high school (Rockhurst) and college (Georgetown), Doug spent a year of JVC Northwest service in Yakima (’93-94) and a second year in Juneau (’94-95) where he met and served with his wife, Leah.  After law school, Doug worked at law firms, working in the Administration of President Barack Obama, and now works as General Counsel for Cloudflare, Inc. Doug and Leah have three children and live in Washington, DC. Doug’s years as a JV were deeply impactful to him so he is humbled by and committed to the opportunity to serve on the board of JVC Northwest.  


Andrew Asato*

Treasurer, Finance and Audit Committee Chair

Andrew Asato, MPA, formerly chief executive officer of Susan G. Komen Oregon and SW Washington, joined Oregon Episcopal School in July of 2021. Asato was previously vice president for advancement at Jesuit High School and chief executive officer of Make-A-Wish of Oregon and SW Washington. He has enjoyed a 30-plus year career with Pacific Northwest non-profit organizations serving the health and welfare of families. He has a bachelor of arts in communications/international relations from Gonzaga University, and a masters in public administration with a focus in nonprofit management from Portland State University. 

Greg Carpinello

Ex Officio

Somewhere along the way, I discovered that my vocation in this world is leadership at the intersection of faith and justice. That journey has been forever altered, shaped, and inspired through my experience at Jesuit organizations. One might say, I have been ruined for life, by what I have seen, heard, and loved for the last 20+ years. Now, I am thrilled to serve as the Executive Director of JVC Northwest.

A native Cincinnatian with a short stop in Boston, Massachusetts, I am excited to call Portland and the Pacific Northwest my home now. My wife, Maura, and I resonate deeply with the four core values of JVC Northwest, and we are striving every day to raise a family committed to living simply, in community with others, and finding ways to live out a faith that does justice. Our three sons, Andrew, Dominic, and Joshua are active and lively, animated by all things outdoors and sports of every kind. Maura is a skier and gardener. I am a marathoner and amateur-woodworker. Professionally, ministry and social justice education at the Jesuit schools of Xavier University and Boston College have been where I have devoted my passion, and they are also the places where I have grown the most. All of it is to say, JVC Northwest is a perfect fit for me and our family.

Julia Brown*

Board Secretary

Julia (Peters) Brown was a JV in Juneau ‘04-05 and Portland ‘05-06, was on staff from 2010-14, and has served on various committees and as a support personThe JV years were a transformative experience that affected all areas of her life, and she is deeply grateful for all the phenomenal people she has encountered on the journey. Julia lives in Portland and continues to serve those marginalized by society, helping them remember their beauty and worth and that joy is everyone’s birthright. She is the community leader/executive director of L’Arche Portland.

Fr. James Antonio, S.J.*

Mission and Planning Committee Chair

James Antonio, SJ, is from Seattle, WA and is a Jesuit of the West Province of the Society of Jesus. He is an FJV of both JVC (Nashville, 10-11) and JVC Northwest (Portland Morris, 11-12). He currently studies theology at the Boston College School of Theology and Ministry and was ordained a deacon in September 2022. He will be ordained a priest in June 2023. James is excited to be back with JVC Northwest to serve as a member of the board’s Mission and Planning Committee.

Elizabeth Van Hoy*

Development Committee Chair

Liz Van Hoy served as a Jesuit Volunteer for two years at Recovery Café in Seattle, WA.  She credits JVC Northwest for her professional growth and network in Seattle and was excited to be invited to serve on the board to more deeply engage with a program that is connected to her values. She earned her master’s in public administration at Seattle University and has enjoyed a fifteen-year career in development, facilitating conversations on how one can best utilize their gifts of time, talent and treasure. Liz is kept busy raising two young children with her librarian husband, Jesse, and enjoys down time spent moving her body (outside preferably!), cooking and reading.


Katie McLaughlin*

Nominations and Personnel Committee Chair

Katie served as a JV in Billings, MT, from ‘07-08. Since then, she has spent over 15 years in the corporate world focused on making people’s work relationships and experiences more positive and intentional through roles in: project management, curriculum development, corporate training, management, strategy, change management and process improvement. She started her business McLaughlin Method in 2020 so she can fuse her theatre background into developing intentional leaders and healing team trust. Katie credits her JV experience for her focus on intentionality and justice in her career and life. 

Jay Behringer*

Jay Behringer was a Jesuit Volunteer in Omak, WA from 1994-95. For nearly 30 years he has lived with the regret of not completing a second JV year. He is excited to be on the JVC Northwest board as he looks for ways the organization can catalyze lasting change for low-income communities.

Jay is a Lead Client Service Partner for Deloitte and is the US Paper & Packaging Leader for the firm. Over the last 15 years he has been serving clients with quality and distinction through understanding their highest priority needs, bringing firm resources to bear on those opportunities and building lasting relationships along the way. 

Jay received his undergraduate degree from Boston College and an MBA from the University of Colorado – Boulder. He lives in Louisville, Colorado with his wife and five children.

Stacy Cates-Carney*

Stacy served as a JV in Hays, MT 1985-1986 among the Assiniboine and Gros Ventre peoples and a second year in Tacoma, WA at Nativity House, a drop-in center for the homeless.

Through her connection with Jesuit ministries, she has been emersed in Ignatian Spirituality, and received formation in discernment, retreat facilitation and spiritual direction.

For over 35 years Stacy has been a member of L’Arche, a worldwide community of people with and without intellectual disabilities. She has served in a number of leadership roles with L’Arche both locally and internationally.

Though retired from full time leadership Stacy continues to accompany individuals and organizations to listen to themselves and the life around them in order to discern their call in today’s world.

A good day for Stacy includes time outside – in her garden or on a long walk. She is an avid reader of all manner of prose and poetry. She and her husband Joseph live in Tacoma, WA.

Shannon Flavin*

Shannon served as a JV in Tacoma, WA in 1997-1998 at Catholic Community Services as a Foster Care Caseworker and remained with CCS for an additional year as an employee.

She is honored to join the Board of JVC Northwest and is eager to give back to the organization that has provided one of the most foundational experiences of her life. The core values of JVC and the desire to serve others has been a blueprint for the life she is building with her husband and three children in Seattle. She also lives with a rescue dog and cat.

Shannon and her husband own and manage a Registered Investment Advisory firm, Aspire Capital Advisors, where Shannon oversees business operations, regulatory compliance, and client reporting.

Shannon holds a BS in accounting from Boston College and an MBA with a concentration in finance from Seattle University and is a certified public accountant.

Fr. John Guyol, S.J.*

John served as a JV in Hays, MT on the Fort Belknap Reservation with the Assiniboine and Gros Ventre peoples, where he discerned his religious vocation. Upon completion of his JV year, John entered the Jesuits in Portland, OR. After ordination, he served as a parish priest in Western Montana. A member of the Loyola Marymount University Jesuit community, John is currently an MBA/MPA candidate in Sustainable Solutions at Presidio Graduate School. In addition to serving on the board of directors, John has accompanied staff and incoming JVs during their weeklong Orientation for the last two years. In his free time, John enjoys playing volleyball, board games, hiking, and spending time in good conversation. 

Ted Hough*

Ted Hough served as a JV at the Metropolitan Public Defender in Hillsboro, OR (’10-11). Jesuit values steeped his education at Fordham Preparatory School and Santa Clara University, and continue to shape his life through the enduring community JVC Northwest has given him. Ted is honored to use his extensive background in finance to continue to serve. He lives in Sacramento with his wife, Lindsay (a fellow FJV); daughter, Penelope and two dogs.

Stephanie Ragland*

My personal journey the last forty-five years began with my JVC:NW (Seattle ‘78-‘80) experience community organizing. Choosing to remain in Seattle after my JV term, both my personal and professional life were deeply inspired and transformed through collaborations and partnerships with both Jesuits and laywomen and men offering the Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius. In 2001, these experiences called me on a new path in ministry of  walking  with and supporting those experiencing housing and food insecurity. Because of my experiences, I see with new lenses and honor the holy ground of my local and global community.

A proud native of Oakland, California, Seattle has been my home much longer than I thought it would be! My husband Jerry and I live in the Rainier Valley neighborhood of Seattle where we raised our two sons and where I spent my first JV year community organizing. Now retired,  I continue to participate in Ignatian inspired retreat work and make room for gardening, reading, and travel.

Jocelyn Sideco*

Jocelyn is a Facilitator, Educator, and Anti-racist Minister. She serves as the Pastoral Associate at St. Paul’s Episcopal Church in Burlingame, CA and as Associate Executive Director of the Catholic Volunteer Network. After serving as a Jesuit Volunteer ‘99 in Atlanta, GA, much of her professional career has been in social justice education in faith-based institutions. She has worked and taught at the University of San Francisco, Marquette University, and Loyola University New Orleans. Most recently, Jocelyn taught at the high school level at Bishop O’Dowd High School, Sacred Heart Preparatory Atherton, and St. Ignatius College Preparatory. Moved by profound human need, Jocelyn lived and worked in post-Katrina New Orleans from 2005-2010. She founded a temporary non-profit that created a space for relief and a thoughtful response (free retreat space for individuals and non-profit organizations) called Contemplatives in Action. She has consulted with charitable organizations such as Catholic Charities Archdiocese New Orleans, New Orleans Province of Jesuits, the Forum for Theological Exploration, the Jesuit Volunteer Corps and co-founded QEIRS (Queer Educators in Religious Schools) through the McGrath Institute at the University of San Francisco.

Jocelyn lives in Pacifica, CA where she enjoys hikes along Milagra Ridge with her wife and three daughters.

*Denotes Former Jesuit Volunteer/JV EnCorps member

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Upcoming Virtual Events

"JVC Northwest 101: Service and Community"

Thursday, April 7 | 7:00pm ET / 4:00pm PT
Learn about all that makes a year of service with JVC Northwest unique. We’ll talk about the opportunities available, what intentional community looks like, and dive into our values of social and ecological justice, simple living, and spirituality/reflection. There will also be plenty of time for Q+A. Register here. 

"How to Make Your Application Stand Out"

Wednesday, April 20 | 7:00pm ET / 4:00pm PT
Learn how you can position yourself to be a strong candidate for service with JVC Northwest. With one week left before the April 26 priority deadline, this will also be the perfect time to get a handle on each step of the application, interview, matching, and placement process. Register here. 

Where Are the JVC Northwest Recruiters Going Next?

Check out our upcoming recruitment events below. Don’t see your school or town on the list? Reach out to us at recruiter@jvcnorthwest.org to let us know you’d like us to pay your town a visit! 

Notre Dame | Info Session: Discerning Post Graduate Service | 6:30 PM | COffee House in Geddes Hall

Marquette | Info session (1-2) office hours (2-4) | Career Services Center – Seminar Room