Lead Area Director, Stephanie Barr shares her reflections on the end of one service year and the beginning of another:
With the start of July, JVC Northwest is wrapping up another year of service and saying goodbye to the amazing 2009-10 Jesuit Volunteers. Of course, with a motto like “ruined for life” we can never really say goodbye. Although our soon-to-be former volunteers will spread across the country this August, we know that they will always belong to the JVC Northwest family. In fact, twenty-three current JVs will be joining us again for a second year of service! We are also excited that three of the current second-year volunteers, and four additional FJVs, will be joining our staff this July.
For me, it’s comforting to realize how many people stay connected to JVC Northwest. Like the 2009-10 JVs, I will be moving on to new adventures this August. But after my two years as a Northwest JV, and my four years on staff, I know without a doubt that I will always stay connected to the relationships and values of JVC Northwest. I am grateful for the chance to be a part of this incredible organization, and feel excited for the 135+ incoming JVs who will be joining us this August. To those who are leaving us, may our paths cross soon! And to those who are joining us, welcome to this wild adventure!
Congratulations on a successfull time with the JVNW! They are better by your being there and you are better as well. Best wishes in all you do.
Thank you so much for all you’ve done! It makes me so excited to think about all the next JVs packing the bags, worrying endlessly about whether or not they need to pack a comforter or if their house will have them, promising their parents that they will move back after their year is over. Today’s my last day at work…it’s been wonderful!