Anthony, the Area Director for the Tacoma, Gresham, and Grays Harbor communities, would like to suggest an alternative New Years resolution:
“With only ten days left in the year now is the time when many of us are thinking about what we want our New Year’s resolution to be. Often we focus on the negative aspects of who we are with the goal of self improvement in mind. We look at what we don’t want to do any more or the bad habits we want to break. But self improvement doesn’t always have to be self critical and New Year’s resolutions don’t always have to be activities you want to stop. A suggested alternative is to pick up a new activity or even attitude to how you approach your daily life. Slow down. Savor the simple. Savor the mundane. Spiritual Directors are a great resource to help guide you in this journey and Spiritual Directors International can help you connect with someone who can walk with you in this.”