Danielle, Area Director for the Boise, Omak, and Spokane communities shares some thoughts about reading:
“I love to read. For me, reading allows me to experience new locales, learn about historical events, and accompany individuals through their life experiences. It does not matter if these places, events, or people are real or fiction, reading fuels my imagination and provides a story through which to identify and empathize with people, no matter what their place, time period, or story.
I have recently started reading Fr. Greg Boyle’s Tattoos on the Heart about his experience working with former gang members in Los Angeles through an organization he founded, Homeboy Industries. Through his stories and insights he provides a human face to the struggles of gangs, poverty, incarceration, homelessness, and isolation, all the while showing how God is present in each person, and how to act for justice and connection.
This book is one of many located on our book list of Resources for Current Jesuit Volunteers on our website. Whether you are a current volunteer, former volunteer, friend of the program, or someone generally interested in the work we are doing in the Northwest, I would encourage you to check out this book list, along with the lists of Publications, Web Sites, Radio, and Educational Opportunities. You can find these lists at http://www.watermelon03.watermelon503.com/~jvcnorth//current-jv-resources.php.
Are there any books that have been meaningful for you? Please share!”