Jess Heringer, Area Director for the Yakima, Boise, Wenatchee, and Omak JV communities, sends a farewell to the 2011-2012 JVs with her letter of encouragement:

Dear 2011-2012 JVs,
For the past month you have been having “dis-O,” attending farewell BBQs, and completing your last rounds of paperwork. In large and small ways, it has been a time to prepare to say goodbye to people and places who have come to represent your JV year. For many of you, today is the last day at your placements and the official culmination of an entire year of service.
As we at the JVC Northwest office reflect on the 2011-2012 year, we can think of no better response than gratitude. This Ignatian practice of intentionally savoring our joys and blessings keeps us grounded during hectic times and big transitions, and so today, we especially hold you in our thoughts and prayers.
It has been a joy to accompany you and see you rise to the challenge of engaging in the values throughout the year. As you have shared with us through emails, phone conversations, and area visits, exploring the complexity of justice issues takes time. Building relationships and being present to the sufferings and joys of our neighbor takes vulnerability and fortitude. Whether this year’s biggest challenges were found in your community, at your placement, or within yourself, you showed up and stayed the course. Thank you for your commitment to living the values of simple living, spirituality, social/ecological justice, and community. You make the mission of JVC Northwest possible, and grounded in gratitude for you, we are inspired embark upon yet another year service.