Since last week, we have been wrestling with the Vatican statement denying the Church’s ability to bless unions between persons of the same sex. We are also listening to the experiences of those most harmed by the pronouncement. We want to be clear: the Vatican statement exists in tension with our mission and vision statement which honors the Divine at work in all things as well as the diverse set of beliefs, experiences, and values we hold as an organization.

Among us, many LGBTQIA2S+ folx, including past and present volunteers, staff, and board, have devoted their love, energy, and talents to the pursuit of our mission as a Jesuit, Catholic organization. We see, acknowledge, and validate the tension queer folx experience due to being a part of the Catholic Church. We are hurt and angry at this latest statement from the Vatican that further wounds everyone in our community, especially those of us who identify as LGBTQIA2S+.
To our LGBTQIA2S+ community: we welcome, honor, and celebrate you without exception. We believe your pursuit of loving relationships is a gift to our community. We are a stronger organization because of you.
To read more about JVC Northwest’s commitment to equity and inclusion, visit our Equity page.