To Complete Your JVC Northwest Application
It’s time to apply for a year of service and community with JVC Northwest — but where to even start??? Keep these seven tips in mind while filling out your application.
1. It is strongly encouraged to have your application in before the first priority deadline on January 11, 2022. Submitting by the deadline will give you the best chance of getting a preferred placement.

2. Seek out your three references first! Your references are the things you have the least control over, so send each reference their form as soon as possible. Don’t put it off until the last minute. Remember: your application isn’t considered complete until your Employer/Supervisor, Mission/Mentor, and Roommate/Peer references have each submitted their forms.

3. Tell your references to check their junk/spam folder if they can’t find the email we sent. It shouldn’t happen often, but it’s possible depending on their security settings. If they request that you resend the reference form, you can do so by clicking the “resend” button next to their name in the “References” section of your application.

4. Share what you are passionate about — in service and in life generally. Use your short answers and your autobiographical essay to tell us why social justice is important to you. These sections are where we really get to know what drives you.

5. Fully represent yourself as you write about how you relate to our values. How have these values helped shape you into who you are today? At JVC Northwest, our four core values are community, simple living, social and ecological justice, and spirituality/reflection.

6. Include your full Education info on your resume, including your degree(s), your academic major(s) and minor(s), and any relevant coursework. The partner agency you are matched with will be given your resume and they’ll want to see how your studies overlap with the service position.

7. Our team is here for you! We want to help and answer all of your questions as you go. Hit up Zayna or Chris on our Recruitment Team if you reach a snag or if you just want to learn a little more about JVC Northwest.