Susan Foster, Montana Area Director, shares the way JVC Northwest staff responds to Advent:
Here in the office, one way we like to keep the season sacred is by holding a Challenge Week. Members of the staff choose different actions or activities to incorporate in their life during one week in December. This year it will be December 12 – 16. Here’s what we’re up to. What about you?
- Anthony will be hosting a viewing of “What Would Jesus Buy” and hand crafting gifts.
- Jeanne will be doing good deeds for neighbors every day like raking an older woman’s yard, baking goodies, etc.
- Sarah is giving up her Hulu habit for the week.
- Leah is making time for prayer and reflection on the meaning of the season.
- Danielle is also making time for reflection and buying local for Christmas.
- Tom will also be watching “WWJB” and writing an article to possibly publish!
- Bonnie will be turning off her personal phone for the week.
- Julia will be taking time for journaling and daily exercise to combat the average holiday reveler gaining a solid pound at each major holiday meal.
- Susan will be eating rice and beans for all meals, all week and writing each day about the experience.
- Jess will be praying with “The Unsheltered Heart: an at-home Advent Retreat” by Ron Raab from the Downtown Chapel and forgoing her coffee trips to Ristretto Roasters.
As one JV said last year, “I’ve never done anything hard that I later regretted doing.” With that, we encourage you to participate in Challenge Week either by joining with the staff or finding a challenge of your own.