JVC Northwest is proud to offer an opportunity for FJVs in the Portland area to get their hands dirty with a one day service project!
JVC Northwest is partnering with local nonprofits Green King and Depave to provide you with an FJV service event opportunity.
Join Depave and Green King at King Elementary School (4906 NE 6th Portland) to depave portions of the parking lot to create rain gardens.
Orientation is at 9:45 and work runs from 10 a.m. until about 2pm. Green King will provide volunteers with all the necessary tools, safety gear, snacks and lunch. All are welcome to stay for as long/short as desired.
Due to the physical nature of removing asphalt, make sure to wear long pants and close-toed shoes! Here is a little more on these two organizations:
- Depave – Depave promotes the removal of unnecessary pavement from urban areas to create community green spaces and mitigate stormwater runoff
- Green King – Green King aims to promote sustainable environmental practices by redesigning the King School Park and its surrounding areas
If you would like to participate in this FJV service event then RSVP to our Outreach and Events Coordinator, Zach, at outreach@jvcnorthwest.org OR through our Facebook event found here. Please RSVP, through Zach or Facebook, by October 23rd!