This web page is for those interested in being a JV mentor. If you are a current JV interested in pairing with a mentor, click here.
Being a Mentor Is Fun!
What is the Mentor Program?
JVC Northwest works to match any current Jesuit Volunteer with an FJV or JVE member who can provide additional support through the JV/AmeriCorps member’s service year. We offer intentional matching for underrepresented communities in the following areas:
JVs who identity as:
- Living with a disability (visible or invisible)
We also offer formal mentorship for JVs who need:
- Extra support managing mental health stressors
- Extra support navigating their spiritual journey
JVC Northwest recognizes that connections between FJVs and current JVs have been happening for decades in an informal capacity through our strong network of FJVs across the country. We are grateful for the new-shared resources and capacity to develop a formal mentor program.
A mentoring program is an intentional step for Jesuit Volunteer Corps (JVC) Northwest to act on the goals of equity and inclusion.
Why Mentoring?
JVs might be interested in getting a mentor for additional support during their JV year. A mentor can provide another listening ear, support for reflecting on accomplishments, space for processing after COVID-19, increased awareness of JVs’ talents, and provide confidential space to share experiences.
All mentors have been JVs or JVEs before and therefore can relate to navigating a year of service within communities.

Why would I want to mentor?

Mentoring is a relationship between two people aimed at professional and personal development. It is based on mutually beneficial relationships based on growth, fun, and deepening a sense of self.
JVC Northwest seeks mentors who are willing and able to provide additional support for JVs throughout their service year. This support can look a number of ways, as indicated in the picture.
Mentors also have the opportunity to be a part of (2) virtual cohort gatherings throughout the JV year in the Fall and Spring. In these gatherings, mentors have the opportunity to learn from one another, exchange ideas, and receive supplemental resources and coaching from JVC Northwest.
What are JVC Northwest's Expectations for mentors?

We ask mentors to truly commit to our JVs for the year. We do understand that life happens, however, so we just ask if you’re no longer to be a mentor once committed, that you communicate that with the JV you’re matched with.
How does mentor matching work?

Mentor Search
Around Springtime, JVC Northwest sends an email out to Former JVs (FJVs) and JV EnCorps Members (JVEs), asking if people are interested in mentoring.

JVs Sign Up
The Alumni Engagement Coordinator (AEC) introduces JV/AmeriCorps members (JVs) to the Mentor Program during Pre-Orientation sessions in May, June, and July. They receive another reminder during in-person Orientation in August. JVs interested in intentional mentoring based on shared identities with an FJV can indicate that need on the signup form.

Once signups are received, the Alumni Engagement Coordinator will connect the JV and their chosen mentor via email. There is typically a first round of matching in July (for early-bird JV signups) and a second round in August/September after Orientation.

Schedule a Meeting
The JV and their newly matched mentor will coordinate a time to meet. Meetings can happen via phone, in person, via Zoom or on whatever platform works best for all parties.