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Ways to Engage with JVC Northwest

Ways to Engage with JVC Northwest

for FJVs, JVEs, and Friends

Our movement for social and ecological justice could not exist without the support of our community. If you’d like to maintain a connection to the core values while supporting local community needs, you’ve come to the right place! We’ve organized engagement opportunities into four categories: Recruitment, Current JV Support, Community Building, and Financial Support.  Like the spokes of a tire, each category in our Wheel of Engagement plays an equally vital role in supporting our movement. Within each category are unique invitations to join us in our shared vision for a more just Northwest: beginning with an easy entry point followed by additional tiers of engagement and commitment. Once you’ve read through the opportunities, initiate one or more opportunities that feel right for you. If you’ve previously been engaged in one category but not in others, consider adding something from a new category to the list of ways you choose to engageThank you for the many ways you strengthen this community! 

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Help Us Recruit the Next Generation of JVs and Grow our JV EnCorps Groups


Follow us on social media and share our social media posts with your networksInstagram Facebook Twitter LinkedIn TikTok. Share our website with others and invite them to consider becoming a Jesuit Volunteer or JV EnCorps members.


Share postcards or magazines with local colleges, parishes,  teachers, and friends. Click here to let us know how many you’d like and we’ll happily send them to you! 


Inspire others by sharing your JV or JV EnCorps story with us to be published on our blog, magazine, or social media.  Send quote, photos, videos, or reflections to Communications and Engagement Manager Phil Gerigscott via email at pgerigscott@jvcnorthwest.org, or easily share your story through this form! Unsure of how to best share your story? We’re happy to collaborate with you on the process!


Speak at a virtual info session over Zoom to a group of up to 20 prospective JVs (Topics could include your own JV experience, your career path, discernment process, etc.).  


Be an interviewer for JV applicants (paid opportunity). Sign-up period is October/November for a 6 month-commitment. Amount of interviews over the 6 months fluctuates throughout the season, but we ask for at least 5 hours of availability per week.   


Build connections and share about JVC Northwest with staff and faculty at a local university. 

Support Current JVs


Sign up to be a JV Mentor (in-person or virtual).


If you live in a locale where JVs serve and want to be more involved, email Alumni Engagement Coordinator Laura Keating to get connected with the In-Locale Coordinator in your area.


Write a letter of advice or encouragement for incoming JVs to receive at Orientation. Letters can be addressed to all JVs, JVs at a specific locale, or a JV at a specific placement. Send Letters to JVC Northwest, PO Box 22125, Portland, OR 97269.  


If you live in a locale where JVs serve, become an In-Locale Coordinator (1-year commitment. Paid opportunity). Reach out to Laura for more information. 

Financial Support


If you live near Seattle, attend our annual For the Four benefit in the spring. 


Be featured in a donor spotlight to inspire others to give.  To learn more about this option, reach out to Phil Gerigscott at pgerigscott@jvcnorthwest.org.

Community and Service


Sign up for our newsletter and follow us on social media to stay up-to-date on events.


Attend our annual spring FJV and JVE virtual retreat (announced via email and our Roots & Branches e-newsletter). 


Become an FJV liaison and host FJV events in your city.


Plan an FJV retreat in your region.


Become a JV EnCorps member. We currently have seven groups in six locales throughout Oregon and Washington. We are also considering expanding JV EnCorps opportunities. If there are no JV EnCorps cohorts where you live, and you would interested in joining an in-person or online group with adults of all ages, let us know here. 

Upcoming Virtual Events

"JVC Northwest 101: Service and Community"

Thursday, April 7 | 7:00pm ET / 4:00pm PT
Learn about all that makes a year of service with JVC Northwest unique. We’ll talk about the opportunities available, what intentional community looks like, and dive into our values of social and ecological justice, simple living, and spirituality/reflection. There will also be plenty of time for Q+A. Register here. 

"How to Make Your Application Stand Out"

Wednesday, April 20 | 7:00pm ET / 4:00pm PT
Learn how you can position yourself to be a strong candidate for service with JVC Northwest. With one week left before the April 26 priority deadline, this will also be the perfect time to get a handle on each step of the application, interview, matching, and placement process. Register here. 

Where Are the JVC Northwest Recruiters Going Next?

Check out our upcoming recruitment events below. Don’t see your school or town on the list? Reach out to us at recruiter@jvcnorthwest.org to let us know you’d like us to pay your town a visit! 

Notre Dame | Info Session: Discerning Post Graduate Service | 6:30 PM | COffee House in Geddes Hall

Marquette | Info session (1-2) office hours (2-4) | Career Services Center – Seminar Room